Which is REALLY Faster? Softball vs Baseball Pitches…

Last updated on July 4, 2023

Baseball and softball are two popular sports that share many similarities, but they also have several differences in their rules and fields that set them apart.

In this article, we will explore the differences in pitching speed between baseball and softball. We will examine the average pitching speeds in both sports and discuss the factors that influence how fast a pitcher can throw the ball. Whether you are a fan of baseball, softball, or both, understanding the differences in pitching speed can help you appreciate the unique challenges and strategies involved in each sport.

Which Pitching Speed Is Faster — Baseball or Softball?

baseball pitcher throwing

When it comes to pitching speed, baseball pitchers generally throw faster than softball pitchers. The current average pitch speed in Major League Baseball (MLB) is around 93.9 miles per hour (MPH), while the average softball pitch speed is around 60 MPH.

One reason for this difference in speed is the distance between the pitcher’s mound and home plate.

Another factor that affects pitching speed is the size and weight of the ball. Softballs are larger and heavier than baseballs, which means that they require more force to throw at high speeds.

Additionally, the motion used by pitches in each sport is very different.

Is a Softball Pitch Really Faster than Baseball?

On average, a baseball pitch is faster than a softball pitch, as I discussed above. But that’s just an average — and there can be variations depending on pitch type and league.

But the big thing is how fast a pitch seems.

One factor that can impact the speed of a pitch is the distance between the pitcher and the batter. In baseball, the pitcher stands 60 feet, 6 inches away from home plate, while in softball, the pitcher stands just 43 feet away. This means that a softball pitch has less distance to travel before reaching the batter, which can make it appear faster than a baseball pitch.

Another factor to consider is the type of pitch being thrown. Both baseball and softball pitchers can throw a variety of pitches, each with its own speed and movement. For example, a softball pitcher may throw a rise ball, which starts low and then rises as it approaches the batter. This can make it difficult for the batter to make contact, even if the pitch isn’t particularly fast.

Why Are They Different?

When it comes to pitching speeds, baseball and softball have their differences. The pitching distances, ball sizes, and pitching techniques are all factors that contribute to the difference in speed.

To start with, the pitching distance in baseball is 60 feet and 6 inches, while softball pitching distance is 43 feet. This difference in distance means that baseball pitchers have more time to build up momentum and throw the ball faster.

Secondly, the ball sizes are different. A baseball is smaller and lighter than a softball, which makes it harder to hit and easier to throw faster. A softball is larger and heavier, which makes it easier to hit but harder to throw as fast as a baseball.

Finally, the pitching techniques are different. Baseball pitchers use an overhand throwing motion, whereas softball pitchers use an underhand motion. The underhand motion in softball allows for more control, but it also means that the pitcher cannot generate as much speed as a baseball pitcher.

Softball vs. Baseball Pitching Speed Chart

When it comes to comparing softball and baseball pitching speeds, there are some notable differences to consider. Here is a chart that breaks down the average pitching speeds for both sports:

Average Pitching Speed60-75 mph85-105 mph
Elite Pitching Speed75+ mph100+ mph

As you can see, the average pitching speed for softball is significantly slower than baseball. However, it’s important to note that there are still some elite softball players who can pitch at speeds comparable to the top baseball pitchers.

Pitchers Mound Distance in Softball vs. Baseball

baseball pitcher on mound

In baseball, the pitcher’s mound is set at a distance of 60 feet, 6 inches from home plate. Softball, on the other hand, has a shorter distance of only 43 feet from the pitcher’s mound to home plate.

The shorter distance in softball means that pitchers have less time to react and adjust their pitches.

Collegiate Softball vs. Baseball

The average pitching speed in collegiate softball is around 60 mph, with some pitchers able to throw up to 70 mph.

On the other hand, the average pitching speed in collegiate baseball is around 90 mph, with some pitchers able to throw up to 105 mph. This is due in part to the longer pitching distance, which allows for more time to generate speed and movement on the ball.

It’s worth noting that while softball pitchers may not be able to throw as fast as baseball pitchers, they can still generate a significant amount of movement on the ball. Softball pitches like the rise ball, drop ball, and curveball can be just as effective as a 90 mph fastball in baseball.

Overall, the differences in pitching speed between collegiate softball and baseball are significant. While baseball pitchers can throw faster, softball pitchers have to rely on movement and strategy to get batters out. Whether you prefer the speed and power of baseball or the finesse and strategy of softball, both sports offer their own unique challenges and rewards.

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