25 Incredibly Fun and Helpful Softball Drills for 8U Kids

Last updated on September 5, 2023

Are you coaching an 8u softball team and looking for fun drills to keep your young players engaged and developing their skills? Or maybe you’re just looking for some extra ways to help your kid learn the fundamentals?

Look no further! We have compiled a list of some of the best 8u softball drills that are both fun and effective. These drills focus on developing fundamental skills such as throwing, catching, hitting, and fielding, while also keeping the players active and entertained.

One of the most important aspects of coaching 8u softball is to make sure that the drills are fun and engaging for the players. At this age, it’s crucial to keep the players interested and motivated by incorporating games and challenges into the drills. These fun drills not only help improve the players’ skills but also create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere for the team. From throwing games to obstacle courses, these drills are sure to keep your young players excited and energized while they learn the fundamentals of softball.

Warm-up Drills

Before getting into the main drills, it’s important to start with some warm-up exercises. These drills will get your players’ muscles moving and help them avoid injuries.

Throwing and Catching Drills

Start with some simple throwing and catching drills. These drills will help your players develop their coordination and accuracy.

One great drill is the “Bucket Brigade.” Divide your players into two lines facing each other, about 10 feet apart. Give the first player in each line a ball. The players will then pass the ball down their line, one player at a time, until it reaches the end. The last player will then run to the front of the line with the ball and start the process over again.

Another great drill is “Catch and Release.” Have your players pair up and stand about 5-10 feet apart. One player will throw the ball to their partner, who will catch it and immediately throw it back. The goal is to catch and release the ball as quickly as possible.

Base Running Drills

Next, move on to some base running drills. These drills will help your players develop their speed and agility.

One fun drill is “Red Light, Green Light.” Set up two cones about 30 feet apart. Have your players line up behind one cone. When you say “green light,” the players will run to the other cone. When you say “red light,” they must stop immediately. Any player who doesn’t stop in time is out. The first player to reach the other cone wins.

Another great drill is “Steal the Bacon.” Divide your players into two teams and give each team a number. Place a ball (the “bacon”) in the center of the field. When you call out a number, the two players with that number will run to the center and try to grab the ball. The player who grabs the ball must then try to run back to their team’s side without getting tagged by the other player. If they make it, their team gets a point. If they get tagged, the other team gets a point.

Hitting Drills

When it comes to teaching hitting to 8U softball players, it’s important to start with the basics. Here are some drills that will help your players develop their hitting skills:

Tee Work Drills

Tee work is a great way to teach players the proper mechanics of hitting. Set up a tee and have your players take turns hitting the ball off the tee. Here are some drills you can do with a tee:

  • Swing and Freeze: Have your players take a swing at the ball and then freeze in their finish position. This will help them focus on their mechanics and make sure they’re following through on their swing.
  • Inside/Outside: Set up the tee so that it’s on the inside or outside part of the plate. Have your players take turns hitting to the opposite side of the field. This will help them develop their ability to hit to all fields.

Soft Toss Drills

Soft toss is another great way to teach players the mechanics of hitting. Have a coach or parent stand a few feet away from the player and toss the ball underhand. Here are some drills you can do with soft toss:

  • Eyes Closed: Have your players close their eyes and take a swing at the ball. This will help them focus on their timing and hand-eye coordination.
  • High/Low: Toss the ball high or low to help your players develop their ability to adjust to different pitches.

Live Pitching Drills

Once your players have a good understanding of the mechanics of hitting, it’s time to move on to live pitching. Here are some drills you can do with live pitching:

  • Soft Toss to Live Pitching: Start with soft toss and then gradually move to live pitching. This will help your players make a smooth transition to facing live pitching.
  • Pitching Machine: Use a pitching machine to help your players get used to the speed and trajectory of different pitches.

Remember to keep things fun and positive, and don’t be afraid to mix things up to keep your players engaged and motivated. With these drills, your 8U softball players will be on their way to becoming great hitters.

Fielding Drills

Fielding is an essential part of softball, and players need to be proficient in both infield and outfield positions. Here are some fun and effective fielding drills for 8U softball players:

Infield Drills

Infielders need to be quick on their feet and have excellent reflexes to make the play. Here are some drills to help with infield fielding:

  • Ground Ball Drill: Have players line up in a row, and roll a ball to each player. Players should field the ball and throw it back before moving to the end of the line. This drill helps with hand-eye coordination and reflexes.
  • Cone Drill: Set up cones in a diamond shape, and have players field ground balls from each cone before moving to the next one. This drill helps with footwork and fielding technique.
  • Bucket Drill: Place a bucket at second base and have players field ground balls and throw them into the bucket. This drill helps with accuracy and throwing technique.

Tip: Check out our article on the best 8u gloves for more.

Outfield Drills

Outfielders need to have a good arm and be able to judge the trajectory of the ball. Here are some drills to help with outfield fielding:

  • Fly Ball Drill: Have players line up in the outfield, and hit fly balls to each player. Players should catch the ball and throw it back before moving to the end of the line. This drill helps with hand-eye coordination and judging the trajectory of the ball.
  • Cone Drill: Set up cones in the outfield, and have players field fly balls from each cone before moving to the next one. This drill helps with footwork and fielding technique.
  • Relay Race: Set up two teams of players, and have them race to field a ball and throw it to a designated spot. This drill helps with teamwork and communication.

Pop Fly Drills

Pop flies can be challenging to field, but with practice, players can become proficient. Here are some drills to help with pop fly fielding:

  • Bucket Drill: Place a bucket at a designated spot, and hit pop flies to players. Players should catch the ball and throw it into the bucket. This drill helps with accuracy and judging the trajectory of the ball.
  • Pop Fly Relay: Set up two teams of players, and have them race to field a pop fly and throw it to a designated spot. This drill helps with teamwork and communication.
  • Pop Fly Challenge: Set up cones in the outfield, and have players field pop flies from each cone. This drill helps with footwork and fielding technique.

These fielding drills are fun and effective for 8U softball players. Incorporate them into your practices to help your players improve their fielding skills.

Game-like Drills

If you want your 8u softball team to have fun while improving their skills, incorporating game-like drills into your practices is a great way to do it. These drills simulate game situations and help players develop their skills while having fun. Here are some game-like drills that you can try with your team:

Baserunning Relay Races

Baserunning relay races are a fun way to improve your team’s baserunning skills. Divide your team into two groups and have each group line up at home plate. The first player in each group runs to first base and then back to home plate, tagging the next player in line who then runs to first base and back. The first team to have all of their players complete the relay wins.

Simulated Game Situations

Simulated game situations allow players to practice their skills in a game-like setting. For example, you can set up a situation where there are runners on first and second with one out, and have your players practice their fielding and throwing skills. You can also practice situational hitting by setting up a situation where there are runners on second and third with two outs, and having your players try to hit a sacrifice fly.


Scrimmages are a fun way to practice game situations and allow players to put their skills to the test. Divide your team into two groups and have them play a scrimmage, using game rules and regulations. This will give your players a chance to practice their skills in a game-like setting, and will help them develop their teamwork and communication skills.

Incorporating game-like drills into your practices is a great way to keep your players engaged and having fun while improving their skills. Try these drills with your 8u softball team and watch them improve their skills while having a great time.

Cool-down Drills

After a long and fun softball game, it is important to cool down and stretch your muscles to prevent injury and soreness. Here are some cool-down drills that you can do with your 8U softball team.

Stretching Exercises

Stretching is an important part of any cool-down routine. Here are some stretching exercises you can do with your team:

  • Quad Stretch: Stand on one foot and grab the other foot with your hand. Pull your foot towards your buttocks to stretch your quadriceps. Hold for 15-30 seconds and then switch sides.
  • Hamstring Stretch: Sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you. Reach forward and try to touch your toes. Hold for 15-30 seconds.
  • Calf Stretch: Stand facing a wall with your hands on the wall. Step one foot back and press your heel into the ground to stretch your calf muscle. Hold for 15-30 seconds and then switch sides.
  • Shoulder Stretch: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Reach one arm across your chest and use the other arm to pull it towards your body. Hold for 15-30 seconds and then switch sides.

Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises can help you relax and calm down after a game. Here are some breathing exercises you can do with your team:

  • Deep Breathing: Sit or stand with your eyes closed. Take a deep breath in through your nose and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat for 5-10 breaths.
  • Box Breathing: Inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, and then hold your breath for 4 seconds. Repeat for 5-10 breaths.
  • Counting Breaths: Inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 2 seconds, and then exhale for 6 seconds. Repeat for 5-10 breaths.

Incorporating these cool-down drills into your 8U softball practice can help your team stay healthy and relaxed after a game. Remember to always listen to your body and stretch gently to prevent injury.

How Do You Make Softball Drills Fun in General?

When it comes to coaching 8u softball players, making drills fun is crucial. Here are some tips to make your drills more enjoyable for your young athletes:

1. Keep it Simple

Young players are often still learning the basics, so it’s important to keep drills simple and easy to understand. Avoid overwhelming them with too many instructions or complicated drills. Instead, focus on one or two key skills at a time and build from there.

2. Use Games

Kids love games, so try incorporating game-like elements into your drills. For example, you could set up a relay race where players have to run to a cone, pick up a ball, and run back to their team before tagging the next player. Or, you could turn a catching drill into a game of “hot potato” where players toss a ball to each other as quickly as possible.

3. Make it Competitive

Kids are naturally competitive, so try to make your drills a little competitive. For example, you could divide your team into two groups and have them compete against each other in a relay race or a hitting contest.

4. Use Props

Props can make drills more fun and engaging for young players. For example, you could use hula hoops to create targets for throwing or hitting drills, or use cones to create obstacle courses for running and agility drills. Additionally, there are plenty of training aids that can make drills more engaging.

5. Keep it Positive

Finally, it’s important to keep a positive attitude and encourage your players throughout your drills. Praise them for their efforts and progress, and avoid criticizing or yelling at them. Remember, the goal is to make softball fun and enjoyable for everyone involved.

What’s a Fun Way to End Practice for 8U Kids?

Kids tossing water balloons

As a coach, you know that ending practice on a high note is essential to keep your 8U softball players motivated and engaged. Here are some fun ways to end practice that your players will love:

Baserunning Relay Race

Divide your team into two groups and line them up at opposite ends of the field. Set up four cones or markers on the field, two on each side. The first player from each team runs to the first cone, touches it, and runs back to tag the next player in line. The relay continues until all players have completed the course. The first team to finish wins.

Hit the Target

Set up a large target (such as a hula hoop or a large bucket) in the outfield. Have your players take turns hitting the ball and trying to hit the target. Keep score and award points for hitting the target or for hitting certain areas of the target.

Scavenger Hunt

Hide softballs around the field and have your players search for them. You can make it more challenging by hiding the balls in hard-to-find places or by giving clues to their locations. The player who finds the most balls wins a prize.

Water Balloon Toss

On a hot day, end practice with a water balloon toss. Divide your team into pairs and give each pair a water balloon. Have them stand a few feet apart and toss the balloon back and forth. After each successful toss, have them take a step back. The last pair standing wins.

Home Run Derby

Set up a mini home run derby by using cones or markers to create a small field. Have your players take turns hitting the ball and trying to hit it over the cones. Keep score and award points for hitting the ball over the cones or for hitting certain areas of the field.

These fun end-of-practice games will keep your 8U softball players engaged and motivated. Try them out and see which ones your team likes best!

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