Pitching with Style: Can Softball Pitchers Wear Sunglasses?

Sunglasses Throwing

Almost every pitcher knows the feeling of walking onto the field to be met by a blinding sunrise or sunset; those who don’t should consider themselves lucky. Pitchers, in particular, need to have sharp reflexes and excellent eyesight to deliver accurate pitches. However, the sun’s glare can be a significant challenge for softball pitchers, making … Read more

Softball Pitch vs Baseball Pitch: The 5 Key Differences

Baseball & Softball young pitchers

If you’re a fan of baseball or softball, you may have noticed that the pitches in each sport are quite different. While both sports involve throwing a ball towards the batter, the way the ball is thrown and the speed at which it travels can vary significantly. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between … Read more

7 Best Cleats for Fastpitch Softball Pitchers

Tying Cleats on Mound

One of the most important pieces of equipment you’ll need for your softball season is a pair of cleats that can help you maintain your footing and generate power with each pitch. But with so many options on the market, it can be tough to know where to start. Not to mention making sure you … Read more

11 Drills and Mechanics To Increase Your Fastpitch Softball Pitching Speed

Softball Pitcher & Catcher

Pitching speed is one of the most important skills for fastpitch softball pitchers. Being able to hurl the ball at high speeds can give you an edge over your opponents and help you dominate the game. But increasing your pitching speed is easier said than done. It requires a combination of strength, technique, and practice; … Read more

5 Great Slow Pitch Softball Pitches to Add to Your Arsenal

Are you a slowpitch softball player looking to improve your game? One of the most important aspects of pitching in slowpitch softball is mastering the different types of pitches. By learning various pitches, you can keep the opposing team guessing and increase your chances of striking them out. In this article, we’ll take a closer … Read more