True Power: Defining a Good Exit Velocity For Fastpitch Softball

Last updated on August 1, 2023

Exit speed is one of the newer metrics to enter the world of baseball and softball. It measures how fast the ball comes off your bat after you make contact. The higher the exit speed, the harder the ball travels and the more likely you are to get a hit or even a home run. But what is considered a good exit speed for fastpitch softball?

Keep in mind that exit speed is not the only factor that determines success in fastpitch softball. Your hitting mechanics, bat speed, and coordination also play a crucial role. So while it’s important to work on improving your exit speed, don’t neglect the other aspects of your game. With practice and dedication, you can become a well-rounded player and increase your chances of success on the field.

Understanding Exit Speed in Fastpitch Softball

In fastpitch softball, exit speed is typically measured using a radar gun or a device such as a Pocket Radar. The ball is hit off a tee into a net, and the exit speed is measured from behind the batter. It’s important to take multiple measurements to get an accurate reading, as factors such as the angle of the bat and the location of the hit can affect the exit speed.

So, what is considered a good exit speed in fastpitch softball? The answer can vary depending on the level of play and the age of the player. According to the College Softball Recruiting Guidelines, a ball exit speed of 70 mph or higher is considered impressive for a high school player.

Importance of Exit Speed

A good exit speed indicates that the hitter has the power to hit the ball hard and deep, which can result in more hits and runs. The higher the exit speed, the harder it is for fielders to catch the ball, increasing the chances of a hit.

Having a high exit speed can also help a hitter’s confidence. When a hitter knows they can hit the ball hard, they are more likely to be aggressive at the plate and swing at pitches they might have otherwise let go by. This can lead to more hits and more success in the game.

Coaches often use exit speed to evaluate a hitter’s potential and to determine areas where they need improvement. By measuring a hitter’s exit speed, coaches can identify weaknesses in their swing and work with them to improve their technique and increase their power.

A softball batter who just finished their swing

Factors Affecting Exit Speed

When it comes to achieving a high exit speed in fastpitch softball, there are several factors that come into play. Here are some of the most important ones to consider:

Age and Skill Level

Your age and skill level are two of the most important factors that can affect your exit speed. Generally speaking, as you get older and more experienced, your exit speed will increase. This is because you will have better hand-eye coordination, more strength, and better timing.

Hitting Mechanics

Your hitting mechanics also play a crucial role in determining your exit speed. If your swing is not efficient, you will not be able to generate as much power as you could with a better swing. Some of the key mechanics to focus on include your grip, stance, stride, bat path, and follow-through.

Bat Speed

Bat speed is another important factor that can affect your exit speed. The faster you can swing the bat, the more power you will be able to generate. To increase your bat speed, you can work on improving your strength, flexibility, and technique.

Improving Exit Speed

If you want to improve your exit speed in fastpitch softball, there are several things you can do. Here are some tips to help you increase your exit speed and become a better hitter.

Strength and Power Training

One of the best ways to improve your exit speed is to focus on strength and power training. This can include exercises like squats, deadlifts, and lunges, which will help you build strength in your legs and core. You can also work on explosive exercises like box jumps, medicine ball throws, and plyometrics, which will help you develop power and explosiveness in your swing.

Hitting Drills

Another way to improve your exit speed is to work on your hitting technique. You can do this by practicing hitting drills that focus on bat speed, timing, and contact point. For example, you can practice hitting off a tee or soft toss, or work on hitting different types of pitches.

Equipment Selection

The equipment you use can also have an impact on your exit speed. Make sure you are using a bat that is the right size and weight for you, and that has a good balance and feel. You can also experiment with different types of bats, such as composite or aluminum, to see which one gives you the best results.

Exit Speed in Different Levels of Play

Exit speed is an important metric in fastpitch softball, and it varies depending on the level of play. In this section, we will look at exit speed in youth softball, college softball, and professional softball.

Youth Softball

In youth softball, exit speed is not as crucial as it is at higher levels of play. However, it is still important to measure exit speed and work on improving it. The average exit speed for a 14U player is around 50-55 mph, but the top 15% of players can reach exit speeds of 60 mph or more. If you are a young player, you should aim for an exit speed of at least 50 mph.

High School Softball

For high school fastpitch softball players, a good exit velocity is typically around 60 mph or higher. Coaches often emphasize the importance of players developing their swing mechanics and physical strength in order to optimize their exit velocity and overall hitting performance on the field.

College Softball

In college softball, exit speed is a crucial metric that coaches look at when recruiting players. The average exit speed for a college player is around 65-70 mph, but the top players can reach exit speeds of 75 mph or more. If you are a college player, you should aim for an exit speed of at least 65 mph.

Fastpitch player starting to swing

Community Discussions and Resources

When it comes to exit speed, there’s a lot of discussion and resources available within the fastpitch softball community. One popular forum for softball enthusiasts is Discuss Fastpitch. Here, you can find a wealth of information and feedback from coaches, players, and parents.

In addition to online resources, you can also seek out feedback from coaches and teammates. Ask your coach to measure your exit speed during practice, or compare your measurements with other players on your team. This can help you identify areas where you can improve and set goals for yourself.


Exit speed is, truly, an important metric for fastpitch softball players to measure and improve upon. It can be a key factor in catching the attention of college coaches and scouts, as well as improving your overall performance on the field.

While there is no set “good” exit speed for fastpitch softball, it is generally accepted that the higher the exit speed, the better. If you’re looking to improve your exit speed, there are a few key things you can focus on. First, make sure you’re using the right equipment, including a bat that is the correct weight and length for your size and strength. Second, work on your swing mechanics, focusing on generating power from your legs and hips. Finally, incorporate strength and conditioning exercises into your training regimen to build overall power and explosiveness.

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