Exploring the Unique Differences Between Slow Pitch and Fastpitch Softballs?

Last updated on August 3, 2023

Slowpitch and fastpitch softball, while under the same umbrella of softball, showcase distinct styles of play, particularly when it comes to the balls used in each game. The key difference lies in the speed at which they are pitched and the composition that allows for this variation.

In slowpitch softball, the balls are designed for a slower delivery, which significantly impacts the game’s dynamics, strategies, and the types of hits that players can achieve. Conversely, fastpitch balls can be thrown at speeds reaching up to 70 miles per hour, creating a more intense and fast-paced game.

Understanding the differences between slowpitch and fastpitch balls is more than a technical detail; it’s a fascinating insight into the variations that define the sport of softball. Whether you’re a player, coach, or a fan, knowing what sets these two apart can deepen your appreciation of the game and even influence how you approach it

How Are the Balls Different?

Size and Composition

The balls used in slowpitch and fastpitch softball vary in size and composition, contributing to how they perform during the game. A standard slowpitch softball is generally larger, with a circumference of 12 inches, and is softer to the touch. Fastpitch softballs are made with a denser core material, allowing for higher speeds when pitched, and they come in both 12-inch and 11-inch sizes for different age groups.

The increased density of fastpitch softballs also affects the weight and durability of the balls. With a more robust construction, fastpitch balls are designed to withstand the force of high-speed pitching, while the softer slowpitch balls are suited for a more leisurely pace.

Seams and Stitching

Another notable difference lies in the seams and stitching of slowpitch and fastpitch softballs. Slowpitch softballs typically have raised seams, which help pitchers achieve better control at slower speeds. These raised seams can affect the ball’s trajectory, making it more challenging for hitters to predict.

On the other hand, fastpitch softballs often have flatter seams. This design allows the ball to cut through the air more smoothly, maintaining a higher velocity. The flatter seams reduce air resistance, catering to the fast and aggressive nature of fastpitch softball, where precise control of speed is vital.

COR (Coefficient of Restitution) and Compression

COR and compression are critical factors that further differentiate the balls. The COR measures the bounciness of the ball, while compression is an indication of how hard or soft the ball is. Slowpitch softballs usually have a higher COR (around .44) and a lower compression (375 lbs.), making them bouncier and softer, attributes that influence how the ball reacts when hit.

Fastpitch softballs typically have a lower COR (around .40) and a higher compression (400-475 lbs.), translating into a ball that is less bouncy and harder. These features make the fastpitch ball more responsive to high-speed pitching, thus affecting the dynamics of the game, from pitching strategies to hitting techniques.

Impact on Gameplay

The distinctions in size, composition, seams, COR, and compression contribute to the unique playing styles of slowpitch and fastpitch softball. Slowpitch softballs, with their larger size and softer feel, lead to a game that emphasizes control, precision, and strategic hitting. The choice of a slowpitch ball can impact how players approach their swing, focusing more on timing and accuracy.

Conversely, fastpitch softballs, with their higher density and flatter seams, facilitate a game that highlights speed and athleticism. The selection of a fastpitch ball encourages players to develop skills around hitting and swift pitching. Understanding these differences is essential for both players and coaches, as using the wrong type of ball can significantly affect performance and even the outcome of the game.

3 Balls in the grass.

Pitching Styles and Techniques

One of the most significant differences between slow pitch and fastpitch softball is the pitching style. In fastpitch, pitchers use the windmill technique to generate high pitch speeds, while slow pitch pitchers use an underhand toss to deliver the ball.

Fastpitch pitchers use a windmill motion to generate speed, which involves rotating the arm in a complete circle before releasing the ball. The windmill technique allows pitchers to generate higher pitch speeds, making it more challenging for batters to hit the ball. In contrast, slow pitch pitchers use an underhand toss, which is less about speed and more about accuracy.

Pitch speed is also a crucial factor in the difference between slow pitch and fastpitch. In fastpitch, pitchers can throw the ball up to 70 mph, while slow pitch pitchers typically throw the ball at speeds ranging from 25 to 35 mph. The slower pitch speed in slow pitch allows batters to see the ball better and make more powerful hits.

Choosing the Right Equipment

Composite and Alloy Bats

Composite bats are made from a blend of carbon fiber, fiberglass, and resin, resulting in a lighter and more durable bat than traditional aluminum or wood bats. These bats are typically used in fastpitch softball. Alloy bats, on the other hand, are made from a blend of aluminum and other metals. They are typically used in slow pitch softball.

Buying the Right Ball

When buying a softball ball, it’s important to consider the type of game you are playing. If you are playing slow pitch softball, you will want to buy a ball that is 12 inches in circumference and made from leather or synthetic leather. If you are playing fastpitch softball, you will want to buy a ball that is 11 inches in circumference and made from leather or synthetic leather.

The Player’s Experience

When it comes to slow pitch and fastpitch softball, players have different experiences depending on their preference and skill level. Here are some factors that can affect a player’s experience:

Fun and Recreational Leagues

Slow pitch softball is often associated with recreational leagues and a more laid-back atmosphere. Players can enjoy the game without the pressure of intense competition. The slower pace of the game allows for more time to socialize and have fun with teammates.

Fastpitch softball, on the other hand, is usually played in more competitive leagues, such as high school and college teams. While players can still have fun, the focus is often on winning and improving skills.

Competitive Play

If a player is looking for a more competitive experience, fastpitch softball may be the better option. The faster pitching and smaller ball size require quick reflexes and precise hitting. In slow pitch softball, the slower pitching may not challenge more experienced players as much.

Personal Preference

Ultimately, the choice between slow pitch and fastpitch softball comes down to personal preference. Some players enjoy the slower pace and relaxed atmosphere of slow pitch, while others prefer the challenge and intensity of fastpitch.

Ball on the pitchers circle

Frequently Asked Questions

What size softball is used in fastpitch softball?

Fastpitch softballs are typically 11-12 inches in circumference and weigh between 6.25 and 7 ounces. The size of the ball is regulated by various softball organizations, including the International Softball Federation (ISF) and the Amateur Softball Association (ASA).

What size softball is used in slow pitch softball?

Slow pitch softballs are typically larger than fastpitch softballs, with a circumference of 12 inches and a weight of 6.5 to 7.5 ounces. The size of the ball can vary depending on the league or organization.

Can you hit fastpitch softballs with a slowpitch bat?

Technically, yes, you can hit a fastpitch softball with a slowpitch bat. However, it is not recommended as slowpitch bats are not designed to handle the higher speeds and smaller size of a fastpitch softball. Using a slowpitch bat with a fastpitch softball can result in poor performance and damage to the bat.


Slowpitch and fastpitch softball might appear to be close siblings at first glance, but as we’ve explored, their differences are more than skin deep. It’s the distinct characteristics of the balls, from size and composition to seams and speed, that add vibrant color to the palette of the game. Just like a fine artist selects the perfect brush to create a masterpiece, players, coaches, and fans must understand the nuances between slowpitch and fastpitch to fully appreciate the sport. It’s this variety that makes softball not just a game, but an ongoing conversation between tradition and innovation.

Whether you’re stepping up to the plate in a competitive fastpitch league or enjoying a friendly game of slowpitch with friends, the choice of ball isn’t merely a matter of preference. It’s a decision that echoes through every pitch, swing, and catch. Knowing the differences empowers players to make informed choices, enhancing performance and enjoyment. It’s like choosing the perfect outfit for an occasion – it doesn’t just make you look good; it makes you feel good too!

In the end, whether it’s slowpitch or fastpitch, softball is a celebration of skill, strategy, teamwork, and fun. The variations between the balls used in each game serve as a reminder that diversity is not just acceptable but essential. It’s the spice that brings the flavor to the game. So next time you hear the crack of a bat or the cheer of a crowd, remember that behind that sound is a world of complexity and beauty, all wrapped up in a leather-bound sphere, ready to be unwrapped and enjoyed.

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