Batting Basics: Youth Softball Techniques Every Parent and Coach Should Know

Last updated on September 5, 2023

If you’re a youth softball coach or a parent of a young player, you know that batting is one of the most important skills to master in the game. Hard to win games if you can’t score any runs, right? Whether your child is just starting out or looking to improve their hitting technique, there are many drills and tips that can help them become a better batter.

One of the most important aspects of youth softball batting is developing a strong mental game. This means teaching players to stay focused, confident, and patient at the plate, even when facing tough pitchers or striking out. In softball, you can fail 6 out of 9 times and that’s still considered really good; that’s a .333 average. I say this to emphasize that dealing with failure is so crucial in this sport. By emphasizing the importance of positive self-talk and visualization, coaches and parents can help young players overcome their fears and perform at their best.

Understanding Youth Softball Batting

Batting is an huge part of the game, and it can make or break a team’s performance. As a coach or parent, it’s important to understand the fundamentals of batting in youth softball to help your athletes succeed.

Bat Sizing

One of the most crucial aspects of youth softball batting is bat sizing. Youth softball players should use bats that are specifically designed for their age group and skill level. Using the wrong size bat can lead to bad habits and poor performance on the field. By properly sizing a bat, players can improve their swing mechanics, increase their bat speed, and hit the ball with more power and accuracy.

Batting Stance

The batting stance is another important factor in youth softball batting. The stance should be comfortable and balanced, with the feet shoulder-width apart and the knees slightly bent. The hands should be held high and close to the body, with the bat resting on the shoulder. The head should be level and the eyes focused on the pitcher.

Swinging Technique

The swinging technique is where the rubber meets the road in youth softball batting. The athlete should start with a slight step forward and then rotate the hips and shoulders to generate power. The hands should stay close to the body, and the bat should make contact with the ball at the right moment. The follow-through should be smooth and natural, with the athlete’s weight shifting forward as the swing is completed.

Practice Makes Perfect

Lastly, youth softball batting requires practice. Athletes should spend time in the batting cage, hitting off a tee, and participating in live pitching drills. Coaches and parents should provide constructive feedback and encourage their athletes to keep working hard to improve their skills. You can also look for softball training aids to get work in outside of just practice.

Fundamentals of Batting

Batting in softball is a delightful mix of power and precision. To master both, it’s all about those essential hitting techniques. When guiding our young softball stars on their batting journey, here are some key pointers to remember:

  • Concentrate: Encourage batters to focus on the ball and visualize where they want to hit it.
  • Weight Back: Start with the weight on the back foot to generate power.
  • Stride: Take a small step forward with the front foot as the ball approaches.
  • Launch Position: Get into a strong and balanced launch position.
  • Point of Contact: Make contact with the ball out in front of the plate.
  • Squish the Bug: Rotate the back foot and squish the bug to generate power.
  • Knob of the Bat: Keep the knob of the bat pointed towards the catcher.
  • Bat Path: Swing the bat in a level path to make solid contact with the ball.
  • Launch Angle: Teach batters to hit line drives for consistency and power.
Youth player ready to hit

Effective Batting Drills

Bat Path Drill

The bat path drill is an excellent way to develop a powerful swing. Start with a slow to fast drill, where you start with a slow swing and gradually increase the speed. This drill helps you develop rhythm and timing, two essential elements of a powerful swing.

Different Locations Drill

The different locations drill is designed to help you hit the ball in different areas of the field. Start by setting up targets in different locations, such as the inside and outside corners of the plate. Practice hitting the ball to each target, focusing on your bat control and accuracy.

Lower Half Drill

The lower half drill is designed to help you use your lower body to generate power in your swing. Start by focusing on your footwork, making sure you’re using your legs to drive your swing. Practice hitting the ball with your lower half, focusing on your hip rotation and weight transfer.

Tee Drills

Tee drills are an excellent way to work on your mechanics and develop a consistent swing. Start by hitting off a tee, focusing on your bat path and contact point. Gradually increase the difficulty of the drill by moving the tee to different locations and adjusting the height.

Soft Toss Drills

Soft toss drills are another excellent way to work on your mechanics and develop a consistent swing. Start by having a partner soft toss the ball to you, focusing on your bat path and contact point. Gradually increase the difficulty of the drill by adjusting the speed and location of the toss.

By incorporating these effective softball hitting drills into your practice routine, you can improve your bat speed, mechanics, and power at the plate.

Progression and Improvement

Improving your hitting in softball hinges on consistent practice and addressing those areas that need a bit more attention. It’s super helpful to engage in drills that zoom in on specific facets of your swing, be it bat speed or nailing the perfect timing. To truly up your game, try to mirror real game scenarios during practice, such as batting off a pitching machine or even squaring off against live pitches.

Mentally prepping is equally crucial in refining your hitting. Picture yourself confidently striking the ball and laser in on what you aim to achieve. Embrace positivity and keep your chin up even when things don’t go as planned. After all, it’s good to remember that even the cream of the crop in hitting occasionally miss their mark. Pairing a sequence of focused drills, teaming up with a seasoned coach, and maintaining a robust mental game, you’re on your way to not only enhancing your hits but also making a bigger impact on the field.

Young batter in pink helmet

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make softball hitting practice more fun for kids?

Making softball hitting practice more fun for kids can involve incorporating games and challenges. For example, you can set up a hitting obstacle course or have a home run derby. You can also use different colored balls or targets to make hitting practice more engaging.

What’s the best way for players to recover from a batting slump?

Batting slumps can be mentally challenging. The key is to keep a positive mindset, go back to basics, and perhaps break down the swing step-by-step. Sometimes, taking a short break or focusing on another aspect of the game can also help refresh a player’s perspective.

How can parents best support their children in improving their batting skills?

Parents can support their children by being encouraging and patient. Celebrate the small victories and focus on the progress made, not just the outcomes. Additionally, investing in extra coaching or attending batting clinics can provide specialized training to help refine their skills.

What are the best bats for youth softball players?

The ideal bats for youth softball players are those that are tailored to their age and strength. Brands such as Easton, Louisville Slugger, and DeMarini are top choices, but it’s vital to try a few and see which feels best for the individual player. The right bat will make a significant difference in a player’s performance.


In the world of youth softball, batting is more than just the swing of the bat. It combines mental strength, foundational techniques, and dedicated practice. Coaches and parents are central figures in this journey, helping young players navigate the challenges and celebrating with them during their triumphs.

These young athletes will face ups and downs, but these experiences will shape their resilience and skill on the field. As they grow and improve, they’ll learn to appreciate not only the thrill of a successful hit but also the deeper values and camaraderie that come with the game of softball.

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